How to Clean Your Swimming Pool’s Salt Cell

It’s that time of year…time to clean your salt cell. While you may have enough salt, because it’s mid-season, you may not be producing any chlorine. Your pool has been running hard all summer, so check out this video on how to remove and clean your salt cell.

David’s here again with a new how-to video on how to clean your swimming pool’s salt cell! Great tips for those of you who have saltwater pools.

How to Clean Your Swimming Pool’s Salt Cell

How Often Should You Clean It?

As David mentioned, you want to clean it at least once a year. Other times to inspect and/or clean it would be at pool opening and pool closing and once a month during the height of your swimming pool season.

This depends on how often you use your pool, how old your salt cell is, your pool chemistry, and water hardness. Have questions? Contact us!

salt cell cleaner

What Do You Clean It With?

We recommend BioGuard Mineral Springs® Cell Cleaner. Here is info:

  • Strong and highly effective formula
  • Removes chalky white-calcium scale deposits from cell
  • Works in as little as 15-30 minutes
  • Easier to handle than other acid cell cleaners

Stop by and pick up your bottle!

Now That You Cleaned Your Salt Cell

You’ll be glad to know that with a clean salt cell, your salt chlorinator will work more efficiently.

Make this part of your regular pool maintenance routine, and you will notice the difference.

Your salt cell now works much better, and you’ll find it will last longer. You also know that cleaning it isn’t an intimidating process, and you can do it on your own!

However, if you’d like us to do it for you, call, text, stop by, or fill out the form below. We are happy to set up a service call!


We proudly carry BioGuard pool chemicals for the health and clarity of your pool!