Do I Have to Test My Water?

Do I Have to Test My Water

My water is green. My pool is cloudy. The kids are complaining that their eyes are itchy. I’m having a party, now what? The dog jumped in the pool. I had a party and “ick!”

We hear these things all the time, and our best advice is, “Bring us a water sample – we test it for free!”

While you may be tempted to skip your water testing or leave too much time between tests, we are here to answer your question, “Do I have to test my water,” with an emphatic, “Yes!”

It’s not only essential for the health of your pool but of your family and your pool guests, too.

When your pool is balanced, your water, pool surface, and pool equipment are clear and clean. Your family is protected from itchy skin and eyes, and everyone is happier in the water.

How Often Should I Test My Water?

We recommend that you test your water when you open and close your pool. We also advise our customers to test their pools at least every two weeks during the season, and if you’ve got high bather loads, every week. It’s a good rule of thumb to also test it after a rain storm.

You can use our test kits and test it yourself. Or, you can bring us a sample of your water and let us test it for you for FREE!

When you stay on top of changing water conditions, you prevent issues from creeping up and causing you major problems.

Check out this video for a bit more information:

What Does the Test Look For?

When testing your water, we look for the following:

  • Total Alkalinity – we test this because when you have the correct levels, you maintain your pH levels. This measures the buffering minerals to prevent your pH from shifting.
  • Chlorine – we want to make sure you have enough sanitizer in your pool. This is what keeps your pool free of harmful bacteria.
  • The pH – we’re looking for a range between 7.4-7.6. This measures how much acidity is in your pool. It’s the most critical part of your pool’s water balance.
  • Calcium hardness – we check this as well, to see how much calcium is in the water. You need this in your pool, otherwise you’ll end up with corrosion and scale. It’s worth noting that different pool surfaces require different levels.
  • Cyanuric Acid – we look at this because it protects your pool from the sun breaking down your chlorine. This keeps your pool sanitized longer.

Final Thoughts

While you’re busy, and testing your water is just another item on your to-do list, it’s an important one if you want a healthy pool and healthy swimmers.

Remember that we’re here to help take the load off while helping you keep a crystal clear pool!
Photo by Murilo Viviani on Unsplash

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