Are Pool Heaters Worth It?

Is a Pool Heater Worth It

Have you ever thought about adding a pool heater to your backyard swimming pool? Asked yourself lately, “Are pool heaters worth it?”

In this article, we look at this question. Here are a few reasons why adding a pool heater to your pool is absolutely worth it!

You Want To Get More Out of Your Pool

If you want to really maximize your investment, you first want to use your pool year-round. Extending your pool season is a great idea for many reasons.

  • You get to enjoy looking at your gorgeous blue pool water instead of an unsightly pool cover.
  • A pool heater also extends your swimming season. For example, if you are a regular swimmer and like to use your pool for exercise, you can continue to do this year-round.

By leaving your pool open instead of closing it from October to April, a pool heater gives you many more months of enjoyment. What’s more, a pool heater helps you enjoy early spring and late fall fun in your pool without freezing.

You can select the temperature of your pool water through your pool heater. If you and your family are avid swimmers, consider adding a pool heater!

Pool Heaters are a Good Investment

If you purchase a quality pool heater and you maintain it, you can expect it to last for many years. This means it’s a great investment for your property.

Like other large appliances, your pool heater is a good purchasing decision.

For example, if you choose to sell your home, you may be able to bump up the price because you have a “year-round” pool.

Final Thoughts

David and Jessica leave their pool open all year long. If you have any questions about how this works, or you want to learn more about pool heaters, stop by! We’d love to talk to you about why we leave our pool open year-round.

At Townley Pool and Spa, we are here for you! Have questions about pool heaters, winter pool service, and maintenance, or winter pool chemicals? Contact us today!

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