Tips for Hot Weather Pool Care

Tips for Hot Weather Pool Care

It finally feels like summer! That means it’s time to really focus on your pool care. Check out our secrets in this article for tips for hot weather pool care.

While hot weather and swimming pools go together as well as peanut butter and jelly. Yet, when it’s hot for days on end, you may end up with issues in your swimming pool if you aren’t properly maintaining your pool.

You can lose chlorine when there is high UV exposure, and you also run into evaporation issues. Let’s not forget the despised algae blooms that sometimes happen as well.

We’ve got some suggestions for you here, but if you ever need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We can answer your questions, and if you need service, our expert team can provide assistance.

Circulate Your Pool

One of the most important things you can do is circulate your swimming pool for at least eight to 12 hours per day. The amount of time your pump runs depends on whether it’s a single-speed pump or a variable-speed pump.

You must operate your pool pump consistently if you want your pool water to stay clear.

Pay Attention to Your Filtration

Filtration is another important area. When we talk about filtration, we’re looking at your:

  • Skimmer baskets
  • Pump basket
  • Your pool filter

You want to keep all of these clean and free of debris. Clean and empty them regularly. In addition, backwash or clean your filter on a regular basis. Questions? Just ask!

Clean Your Pool

You also want to keep your pool clean on a regular basis.

Run your vacuum and brush your pool walls and floor. Why do you need to brush your pool? This helps prevent algae and bacteria from growing. This can be an issue in areas of your pool where there isn’t as much circulation, such as your steps, in the corners, or on benches.

National Pool Opening Day

Test Your Pool Water

This is the only way to know what your pool needs. You want to test and treat your swimming pool at least once a week. This keeps it healthy, clean, and free form bacteria and algae.

While you can and should test your pool with test strips, we also recommend bringing us a water sample every week or so. This way, we can run it through our ALEX computerized system. We provide you with this water analysis (for free) and let you know what your pool does or doesn’t need.

Test the following weekly:

  • Chlorine levels
  • pH
  • Cyanuric Acid
  • Salt Level

Test monthly:

  • Total Alkalinity
  • Calcium Hardness

Shock You Pool

This is another vital step to pool care. When you shock your pool, you are able to quickly raise your chlorine level. You also kill any bacteria, algae, or other harmful pathogens. Finally, you break apart chloramines (combined chlorine).

You want to shock your pool after a party or high bather loads, after you’ve had a lot of rain, and regularly as the temperatures stay elevated.

We do recommend shocking your pool at night.

Final Thoughts on Hot Weather Pool Care

As always, Townley Pool and Spa is here to answer your questions on hot weather pool care and any other issues you might be having.

We are the experts in Little Rock, and we are here to help you! Call, text, email, or stop by. We’d love to chat!

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We proudly carry BioGuard pool chemicals for the health and clarity of your pool!