Pool Owners: Here are 8 Ways to Save

Pool Owners: Here are 10 Ways to Save

You’ve got a beautiful pool in your backyard. Perhaps it came with the house when you bought it, or perhaps you had it installed.

Either way, it’s not only a property investment, but it’s an investment in your family’s health and wellness. It’s the memory maker right in your own backyard.

This is why it’s so important to maintain your swimming pool so it’s operating in a cost efficient manner, and it’s ready for swimming at any time.

Pool owners – here are eight ways to save when you have a swimming pool in your backyard.

#1: Establish a Maintenance Schedule

It costs less to maintain your pool regularly than to let it go and end up with a costly mess.

You want to perform regular maintenance to keep your pool in the best shape.

Consider establishing a written maintenance schedule and documenting it, much like someone would with a public pool. Keep track of what you did each week, and you’ll find your pool is consistently clean and clear.

#2: Buy Chemicals in Bulk

Many pool and spa supply stores offer specials once or twice a year. Take advantage of this and you’ll save money up front on your chemicals. Plus, they’ll be there ready for you when pool season runs around.

We suggest always buying chemicals from a trusted BioGuard dealer. You get what you pay for is an old adage that holds true when it comes to pool (and spa) chemicals. High-quality chemicals work better, last longer and perform at a higher level.

#3: Install a Safety Cover

When you have a cover on your swimming pool, you reduce evaporation in the heat of the summer and heat loss in the early spring and late fall months.

What’s more, you’ll keep dirt and debris out of the pool.

If you use your safety cover, you most likely need less chemicals to keep your water clean and sanitized. Plus, you spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the water when you keep the ick out of your pool.

#4: Clean Your Cover

During the winter, be sure and keep your cover clean. If you leave dirt, debris, standing water, and leaves on your cover, you can weaken it and damage it. Then, you have to spend more money to replace it.

Maintain your pool cover properly, and it can last you many years, saving you money in the long run.

#5: Use Your Heater Less

Running your pool heater costs money. Just like in your own home, lower the temperature of your heater just one degree, and you can save as much as 10% on the cost of running your heater.

#6: Use a Robotic Cleaner

Add an extra punch to your pool cleaning routine with a robotic cleaner.

By using these handy devices, you’ll need less chemicals because your pool stays cleaner longer.

#7: Landscape with a Plan

You can also save money with your swimming pool if you landscape with a plan.

Think about how you can protect your pool from the elements. Don’t plan trees to close to the pool, or you’ll feel like you’re always cleaning it.

Plant taller bushes upwind of your pool to reduce evaporation. This saves on heating and chemical costs.

#8: Store Equipment

You want your pool toys and floats, hoses, skimmer nets, wall brushes, pool cleaners, chemicals and vacuums to last you a long time.

Either tore them in a shed, your garage, or the pool house. Don’t leave them outside in the elements, or you’ll find you’re replacing them on a regular basis.

Final Thoughts

Owning a pool is a pleasure for many families in the Little Rock area. Maintaining it doesn’t have to be hard or frustrating.

The key to remember is that pool maintenance is ongoing. Test your water weekly, clean your pool on a regular basis and make sure your chemicals are balanced.

If you need help, we are always here for you. Ask us about our drone service, or schedule ongoing maintenance with our service staff. If you want to handle it on your own, we are here to help you find the right chemicals for your needs!

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