Happy Earth Day! When it comes to preserving the environment, one of the first things people think about is conserving water.
Water conservation is a big deal. It’s also something that often stops people from buying a hot tub because they think it uses too much water.
In this article, we’re going to break it down for you and look at the reality of the best eco-friendly hot tubs.
How Much Water Does a Spa Use?
The average person uses about 100 gallons of water per day. This comes in the form of laundry, dishes, and every day life.
A large, seven-seat hot tub holds around 450 gallons of water. So, if you compare it to a person’s average daily usage, a large hot tub holds about four days worth of water.
The best thing about hot tub water is that it sticks around for awhile. You continuously sanitize it and run it through filters, so you don’t need to drain and replace it all the time. Yet, you may feel guilty on those occasions when you do have to drain it.
What’s the answer? With Hot Spring Spas, the answer is an eco-friendly hot tub that includes water care systems that tlet you conserve more water while enjoying our hot tub. Let’s look at hot tub water conservation and energy use.
What is the Perfect Size Eco-Friendly Spa?
What are your needs? Are you trying to accommodate a large family or large groups of hottubbers? Or, are you looking for something smaller for two?
With hot tubs ranging in size, you can find the perfect one to fit your needs. You want to pick wisely so your hot tub becomes part of your daily ritual. It should be something you want to use at least several times a week, if not daily.
Think about these things when choosing the perfect size hot tub for you and your family that conserves both water and energy:
- How will you use your spa? If you live alone and the main purpose of your hot tub is to relax your muscles after a long run or workout, then most of your hot tub use is solo. A two-seat hot tub or three-seat hot tub provides you with the therapeutic benefits of warm water immersion and extra seats for company.
- How many jets are you looking for? In many hot tubs, different seats offer different jet configurations. If you use your spa to relieve pain or soreness, then you may need to consider extra seats or a lounger to have a full range of hot tub hydrotherapy benefits.
- How big is your family? A spa is great for creating quality time. Four-seat hot tubs are perfect for a family of three, while families of four may want to consider a six-seat model.
- Choosing a hot tub that is the correct size is just one way to enjoy all the benefits of a home spa while being eco-conscious. To take resourcefulness to the next level, choose a spa that’s not only the perfect size, but also energy efficient.
Can a Hot Tub Save Energy?
High-quality hot tubs are designed to reduce energy use and energy costs. They include several energy-efficient features:
- Dedicated circulation pumps that continuously circulate the hot water and use less energy than main pumps. Your spa water remains warm, and it’s filtered by a smaller pump than the one that gives the jets their force.
- A pump shroud that helps facilitate the transfer of heat produced by the pump operating into the water.
- Perimeter insulation to keep the cabinet warm but allow heat from the heater and pump to help warm the water.
- Total foam insulation, layered in different densities, that fills gaps and prevents hot air leaks, which can cool the spa and force the heater to run more often.
- An insulated hot tub cover that prevents heat from escaping from the water and keeps your hot tub warm and ready to use.
Energy efficiency not only benefits the environment but also your wallet. Keeping your hot tub water warm around the clock uses less energy than heating it up immediately after refilling. Translates to lower utility bills.

Eco-friendly hot tubs are good for you and your environment!
How Can I Extend Water Life?
The best eco-friendly hot tubs are simpler to maintain and extend water life.
Hot tubs with traditional water care systems require draining and refilling a few times a year. But spas with eco-friendly salt water systems extend water life for up to a year.
The new FreshWater™ Salt System*, available on Hot Spring Spas , is the simplest and most effective hot tub salt water chlorine generator.
It keeps water fresh and sanitary for a full year with normal use before it needs to be drained and refilled.
Heavy use of the spa can make an early water replacement necessary. This system not only saves on water use but extends energy efficiency. It takes much more energy to heat new water to the perfect temperature than to keep warm water heated.
The easy-to-maintain FreshWater™ Salt System—the best salt water system for home spas—is factory integrated and titanium cartridge-based.
It generates chlorine at a steady rate from salts contained in the cartridge. Each cartridge lasts four months and is easily replaced directly from your spa’s bar top in seconds.
Simpler water care with the FreshWater™ Salt System means spending less time maintaining your spa and more time enjoying it. The low levels of chlorine will also reduce the level of chemicals and chemical odors in your hot tub.
Can I Re-Use Drained Spa Water?
Yes. You can reuse it as gray water to water your lawn and your flower beds, and even wash your car.
It’s vital that you need to let the chemicals dissipate first. You shouldn’t use the water if the chlorine count is higher than 0.1 part per million (ppm) or if the water is too acidic (below a pH of 6.5) or too alkaline (with a pH of 7.8). Turning the system off and letting the chlorine dissipate from your spa over a few days should bring the chlorine count down to a safe level.
If you have questions about this, please ask!
Final Thoughts on Water Conservation and Energy Use
The FreshWater™ Salt System combined with the usual dedication to energy efficiency you find in all Hot Spring spas makes for the very best eco-friendly hot tubs manufactured.
Hot Spring is dedicated to providing the Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience® to customers. At Townley Pool and Spa, we are dedicated to helping you find the best hot tub for your needs and your budget. If you’re ready to find the perfect hot tub, get in touch today!
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*The FreshWater™ Salt System cannot be used on Hot Spring® hot tubs manufactured prior to 2019.
We proudly carry BioGuard and SpaGuard chemicals.