
You’ve had the guests. Your pool has seen a ton of people. Your bather loads were through the roof. Now what?

Well, just like you are most likely having to clean your house and your backyard, you need to clean your swimming pool, too.

Let’s look at your pool maintenance after the pool party. Read more

Did you know that under dosing your chlorine in your swimming pool to make it last longer actually ends up causing you to need MORE chlorine?

It may be tempting to under dose your chlorine due to the shortage. The key to chlorine efficiency is to maintain a 1-4 ppm residual at all times and shock your pool more often. Check out this video from BioGuard for more details.

Have questions about your chlorine this summer? Contact us today or stop by the store! We’ve got the answers.

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Let’s make this simple – you do your best to keep your pool clean and clear, but you still worry about algae and cloudy water ruining even one precious pool day.

The BioGuard Tru-Blue promise was made for you! The promise eliminates your worry. If algae or cloudy water occurs, you won’t have to pay to fix it. Watch this video to learn more!

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