
Say Goodbye to Digestion Issues

Say Goodbye to Digestion Issues

Thanksgiving is almost here, and the holidays are upon us. This means your digestive tract will be working overtime.

If you’re like most of us, you over-indulge at Thanksgiving and during the holidays. If so, you know what inevitably comes – that feeling of being overly full and uncomfortable. Sound like you? We’ve got a tip that can help!

In this article, we look at how you can relive that over-stuffed feeling and say goodbye to digestion issues for good…

Say Goodbye to Digestion Issues

Digestion Issues

After you eat, your body begins to process the food. As food passes into your stomach, there’s an increase in blood flow to the stomach and intestines.

Studies show the bigger the meal and how heavy it sits in your stomach determines how hard your body works to break it down. Extra work requires more blood flow.

Ultimately, it might even take a day or more to break down your meal and for you to feel better.

Hot Tub to the Rescue

After you devour your holiday feast, you can take a soak in your hot tub for at least 20 minutes. This helps to regulate your digestive system and leaves you feeling much better.

When you soak in a hot tub, the hydrotherapy can cause your blood vessels to widen, which in turn decreases blood pressure, eases blood flow, and improves your circulation.

The improved circulation makes it easier to digest that large holiday meal.

Hot Tubs Burn Calories

You’ll find an added benefit to your hot tub soak: you can burn calories as you soak in the hot tub.

As we mentioned, warm water stimulates your intestines and speeds up digestion. While you soak, the warm water causes your body’s temperature to rise. The natural response of your body is to cool itself down through perspiration and sending blood to your skin’s surface.

The end result – you burn calories in the hot tub. While it’s not an immense amount, the effects on your digestion and increased blood flow can stay with you for hours after your soak.

More Hot Tub Benefits

In addition to the physical benefits, you’ll find your hot tub beneficial during the holiday season for relieving stress.

A hot water soak releases endorphins which feels good to your body and causes your muscles to relax.

In addition, the sound of the jets creates a very relaxing white noise that drowns out all the stresses of the day.

Let your hot tub be a place of relaxation, quiet, and mediation during the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Don’t have a hot tub? Get in touch today! We’d love to help you find the perfect tub to fit your lifestyle, your needs and your budget.

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