
According to experts, nearly 600 million people suffer from back pain at any given time. Another staggering statistic shows us that eight out of 10 people in the United States experience back problems at least one or more times during their lifetime. Read more

Taking care of your heart is extra important, and it’s something you hear a lot about in February since it’s National Heart Month.

Here at Townley Pool and Spa, we think about heart health all the time because swimming is our business, and it’s our favorite type of exercise. Read more

Did you know May is National Water Safety Month?

Swimming and fun aquatic activities in the pool have a great impact on both our bodies and our minds. In fact, spending time in and around water simply makes us feel better! As we round the corner to May, we want to remind you of some important water safety tips!

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COVID-10 has many of us are working out at home now, and if you have a swimming pool, you have a “gym” right in your backyard.

The options in your home gym are endless. You can simply swim laps, tread water for a period of time, or take advantage of some of these common pool tools to enhance your workout. Read more

The Mayo Clinic says, “swimming may be the best workout you aren’t doing.”

In fact, they call the swimming pool “the great equalizer,” where people of all ages and abilities can get in a fun workout.

Did you know that workout can consist of much more than swimming laps? Even if you aren’t a swimming, there’s a pool exercise for you. The folks at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program recommend using the pool to explore both aerobics and resistance training.

In this article, we look at how the pool is a great place to burn calories in more ways than one.

Swimming is Low Impact

Swimming is especially easy on the joints. Not only does swimming burn calories, but it’s so low impact anyone can do it. From children to seniors, swimming has something to offer anyone, even those recovering from injuries and suffering from arthritis.

Swimming is Good for Your Whole Body

Many of us do multiple exercises. You may run and lift weights, or add core on some days.

With swimming, you’ve got the whole body covered: arms, legs, core, and cardio. You’ll burn calories like no other sport.

And, if you tire of swimming laps, you can add in resistance training and even water aerobics.

You Get Cardio and Strength Training in the Pool

Not only do you get a cardiovascular workout, but you get strength training whenever you are moving in the pool. Because the water makes you feel light, you can take care of bones, muscles, and joints while you work out with a resistance workout.

Water is Often Recommended

Doctors and physical therapists often recommend swimming as the perfect calorie-burning exercise that is safe to do when recovering from an injury.

It’s often the workout of choice for elite athletes, too.

You can swim, walk in the water, jog in place, tread water, use weight training, or even get out the paddleboard.

Water is Therapeutic

Just like a hot tub, the water in your swimming pool is therapeutic. It just feels good to be in a pool, so swimming can boost endorphins and make you feel so much better every day.

Water is Resistant

Since water is nearly 800 times denser than air, you can build muscles faster as you glide through the water. Some experts even believe water workouts are more effective at building muscles than land workouts.

Water Buoyancy Protects You

It’s fun to be weightless, and the buoyancy of the water helps anyone with an injury and those with chronic illness. People over  50 appreciate aquatic exercise as it’s easier on the joints.

Final Thoughts

Mix up your pool workout. Swim some laps, use weights, or just use the water for some deep end jogging. You can even jump out and do some pushups, planks and lunges.

Explore your pool, check YouTube for water workout videos, and you’ll soon find you’re well on your way to burning more calories and having a blast doing it!

Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash

Summertime is hot, and when you’re active outside either playing, exercising, swimming, or hot tubbing, you want to stay hydrated. Not only is it good for you, but it helps you stay active and energized all day long.

The good news is that there’s more than water (which is always great) to fulfill your hydration needs. Let’s look at the best hydrating drinks for summer full of electrolytes,, minerals, vitamins, and probiotics. Read more