What to Do If You Lose Power to Your Hot Tub

What to Do If You Lose Power to Your Hot Tub

Have you ever wondered what to do if you lose power to your hot tub? It is definitely a concern during the winter, especially during ice storms or even snow storms. Power outages can occur any time, so we’ve put together some tips for you so you don’t have to be overly stressed in the worst case scenario.

Cover Your Hot Tub

During the winter, you want to keep your hot tub covered at all time. This keeps  the warm water right in your hot tub. The cover acts as a cocoon. If you are super worried, you can even bring some blankets outside and lay them over your cover. This added bit of insulation can help the water from getting too cold.

Don’t Drain the Hot Tub

You might think the best idea is to drain the water from your hot tub, but that is not at all a good idea. You don’t know how long you’ll be without power, so only do this as your very last resort.

Refill the Hot Tub

If you are in the middle of a long-lasting power outage, you can drain some of the cooler water from your hot tub. Then, hook up your hose to your kitchen sink and fill up your hot tub with hot water.

Be careful, though. Don’t lift the cover too much. Just open it a little bit so you can simply slip the hose in to fill the spa up with hot water.

Test the Water

If your power went out, your pump wasn’t running, so your water wasn’t circulating. If this went on for a few days, you might find you have water issues once the power goes back on.

Before you hop in for a soak, test your water. Bring us a sample of your water, and we’ll tell you just what you need.

Final Thoughts

With an efficient hot tub such as our HotSpring Spas, your hot tub should be able to last two-three days if the power goes out, and you follow the tips here.

When thinking about what to do if you lose power, a  good rule of thumb is to always check your spa regularly. Even if you don’t use it every day, you want to check it to make sure that everything is working properly, and your water is warm.

If you need help servicing your spa or taking care of it, please contact us today!

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