The Three C’s of Pool Care

The Three C's of Pool Care

It’s swimming pool season in Little Rock, and you want to make sure your pool is crystal clear, clean, and healthy all season. This is where routine maintenance comes in.

For your swimming pool, you want to focus on the three C’s of pool care: circulation, cleaning, and chemistry. By keeping your water moving and filtered and your water chemistry balanced, you’ll have a great summer!

#1: Circulation

Here is a quick overview:

  • Run your pool pump eight-12 hours per day.
  • Keep your skimmer and pump basket clean. Clean them several times a week.
  • Backwash or clean your pool filter if the pressure goes above 10-15 psi.
  • Make sure your jets are angled. They should point away from your skimmer so the water can cycle in a circle.

We begin with circulation because you need to move your pool water. If it isn’t, then your pump and filter aren’t working either. Still, stagnant water is a breeding ground for algae, so it is imperative that you move your water.

There are several components of your circulatory system, and they all need to work well for the best water quality:

  • Skimmer
  • Pump
  • Filter
  • Jets

There is a “flow” to how these all work. First, your pump pulls water from the pool through the skimmer. Pool water then travels through the pump into the filter, which does the heavy lifting of cleaning out the particles that make your water dirty. Finally, water goes back to your pool through your pool jets.

Think of your pool pump as the centerpiece of everything. It pulls water through your filtration system, stripping it of any dirt and debris. Then, the clean water returns to your pool.

So, you can see how important circulation is to the health of your Little Rock swimming pool.

#2: Cleaning Your Pool

Here is a quick overview:
  • Brush the walls, steps, ladders, and low circulation spots every day.
  • Skim the surface of your swimming pool every day.
  • Vacuum your pool once a week or use an automatic cleaner.

You and your family can take care of cleaning your pool, you can purchase a robotic pool cleaner, you can hire a pool service, or you can do a combination of these. The important thing is that you clean your pool regularly to keep it swim-ready all summer.

Brushing your pool with a pool brush prevents algae, staining, and scaling. This is especially important around crevices, the skimmer, your steps, and the ladder.

Skimming the surface of the water is also vital. To remove large debris, use a net or leaf rake.

Vacuuming your pool is also essential, as it gets rid of smaller debris that can damage it.

The Salt Water Pool Myth

#3: Water Chemistry

A properly balanced pool is a crystal-clean one without cloudy or green water. It’s also a pool with dangerous bacteria. Here is an overview:

  • Test your water one to two times per week.
  • Make sure the pH and alkalinity are balanced.
  • Maintain your sanitizer levels at all times.
  • Shock your pool bi-weekly.

You can pick up some water test strips from us or bring us a water sample to run through our complementary ALEX system. We’ll then give you a computerized printout showing just what your pool needs.

Consider the following when testing your pool water:

  • The pH: This is important because you don’t want your pH levels to be too high or too low, as both cases cause issues such as algae and corrosion.
  • Calcium hardness: This needs to be balanced because levels that are too low damage your vinyl liner or plaster. If they are too high, you end up with hard-to-remove calcium deposits.
  • Alkalinity: If this is too low, you may get pool stains. If it’s too high, you end up with cloudy water.
  • Chlorine: This is vital as chlorine breaks down bacteria and sanitizes your pool water.
  • Phosphates: If your levels are high, you may notice green and cloudy water. Plus, you may be more likely to get algae growth.
  • Shock: Shocking your pool is essential as it kills any bacteria, contaminants, and other organic matter. Do this every week or two and after a rain storm, heavy bather load, algae breakout, or spill.

Final Thoughts on the Three C’s

Now that you have the basics, you’re ready to care for your swimming pool. These basic steps will help you have a crystal-clear pool all summer without algae.

If you need pool chemicals, pool service, or have any questions, please stop by or contact us today! We are always here for you.