
Unpacking the Mystery of Balance Pak

Unpacking the Mystery of Balance Pak

We carry three BioGuard products that tend to confuse people because the names are so close together. They are all increasers, and they are Balance Pak 100, Balance Pak 200, and Balance Pak 300.

There is some mystery about what these three powerhouse chemicals do for your pool. David “unpacks the mystery of Balance Pak” in this video and blog post…

David Breaks It Down

Know What Your Needs Are

Each one of these products serves a unique need. When you bring us your pool water to test, sometimes it will show you need just one, while other times it may show you need several or all of them.

In Little Rock, we have good tap water, but you don’t want to leave your pool water unbalanced. Here is what each product is used for:

100Balance Pak 100

This product raises your total alkalinity and prevents pH change. It also prevents corrosion and vinyl liner wrinkling due to improper pH. Count on Balance Pak 100 to dissolve quickly when added directly to water.


200Balance Pak 200

This product raises your pH level while protecting pool equipment from corrosion. It also prevents eye irritation due to low pH.


300Balance Pak 300

This product raises your calcium hardness levels and dissolves quickly. It protects pool equipment from corrosion, plaster etching, and wrinkling of liners.

So, you can see there is a big difference between all three. You will add them at different times and in different amounts. Why will you need them? They are integral to your water balance.

Balance Your Pool Water

You want to keep your pool in balance to prevent balance. This is incredibly important because balancers such as the Balance Pak products control scale, prevent metallic stains, adjust pH and total alkalinity, and correct mineral imbalances.

What’s more, your pH is vital. The comfort of your swimmers depends on it. Having the proper pH also protects your pool equipment and surfaces from corrosion, staining, and etching. The ideal pH range is 7.4-7.6. If the pH is too high or too low, it can cause those pesky red, itchy eyes!

Balancing your swimming pool chemistry is the key to keeping water clear and comfortable, protecting your surfaces and equipment, and making other products work more effectively. Check out this video for water balance info.


We proudly carry BioGuard pool chemicals for the health and clarity of your pool!